Monday, July 2, 2012

An Open Letter To Vons Management

Dudes, seriously, that policy you have where before the cashier gives the customer their receipt they have to tell the customer how much they saved and use their name? “You saved four dollars and twelve cents today, Miss F.” This is a terrible policy and it has to stop immediately. Do you not realize how much time you ware wasting, both yours and ours? I just want to get my receipt and go home. But your cashiers, well, you have them so well-trained (scared?), because no, whatever I do, standing there with my hand out waiting to be given the receipt, they do not budge from their script and go on to tell me how much I saved and what my name is. I do not care how much I saved and I know what my name is! Just give me my effing receipt already so I can get out of here.

It’s bad enough they have to tell me how much money I saved, but they also have to say my name? Urgh! Do you know how much time I have wasted waiting for a cashier to figure out how to pronounce my name? “Miss Fuh… Miss Fee… Miss Fah...” And my name is only slightly hard-to-pronounce. It must be a ton worse for your Polish customers.


  1. They would speed up their lines without all the chit-chat!

  2. They often just called me m'am instead - which I hate :-) guess my name is wayyyy to hard to pronounce
