Saturday, September 26, 2015

Filler II: The Nothingness Continues

My favorite genre of literature is murder mysteries. (My least favorite? Romances, because at my age and looking the way I do I have a better chance of being murdered than I do of being romanced). Two of my favorite authors were Elizabeth George and Harlan Coben. Their last three or so books have been hugely disappointing; they have run out of stories to tell. I think the same could be said of me. I mean, I never had that many stories in the first place, what with my life being so mind-numbingly boring anyway. What I am saying is, do you think it might be time to call it quits with this blog? Because I have been sat here for the last 30 minutes or so, trying to come up with something for this, my now once-a-month blog entry. And all I have done of note in the last month is change the filter in my Brita pitcher. I know, right? Stop the presses! How is one person able to handle such excitement?

But I will take having nothing to report over having bad news to report anytime…