Tuesday, September 24, 2013

More Evidence About (If He Existed) God’s Feelings Towards Me

So, this weekend, felt a little blue because a potential visit from a former paramour did not pan out.   Decided to distract myself by watching some TV. As I was channel surfing, I came across a movie (not going to tell you what it is just in case the paramour-in-question reads this blog) that isn’t shown that often. It also just happens to be the ONLY movie me and the paramour-in-question went to see together. Every time I see it I think of him. But, seriously, god? There I am, feeling down anyway, and you go and schedule an airing of this movie at a time when I channel-surfing. Why? There are issues in Darfur and Detroit that need taking care of, wouldn’t your precious time be better spent looking into that rather than finding ways to torture me?

Monday, September 9, 2013

My Life Summed Up In One Photograph

Did some (really late?)(really early?) Spring cleaning this weekend. This is what I found under my bed:

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Another chance to cure cancer blown

So when I got home last Friday the parking space hoggers were in my favorite space. Big surprise. But, later that evening, on a rare trash run (Fridays I usually stay in once I am in, but my trash was particularly smelly that night) I saw that they had left and that the space was available. So I ran back to my apartment, got my car keys and moved into the now free space! Tee-hee. On Saturday, when I got back from running errands, they had moved back into the space. That night, this time on a mail run, I saw that the space was free again (they go out a lot - I once saw them go into the casino next door, so I bet (ha!) they go there to take advantage of all the old codgers’ deals). So, despite the couple glasses of wine I’d had, I got my car keys and moved into the space. I am militantly anti-drinking and driving so this was a huge deal for me, but I handled the 200-yard drive just fine. And that is when it hit me – this is my new hobby. I have been looking for a pastime and now I have found it – on the nights I don’t get my space, I will leave my apartment at least once an evening and check to see if the space-hoggers have gone out for their senior-discount dinner and, if they have, I will move my car into the space!!! And what a perfect hobby too - it involves physical activity, is relatively cheap (I won’t use up that much gas), it gets me out of the house and all that extra time in the car will only increase my driving skills and confidence level!