Friday, February 22, 2013

Idol Thoughts, 12-4

So, how stupid do the Idol producers think we are? Very, I think, based on last night’s show. For example, Jimmy being the deciding vote. Um, what if he would have sent that guy home? Would that have meant only four would have gone through? No, of course not. Drama for drama’s sake. Then there are two spots left, and three guys, so of course the next guy they send out is going through because, um, if not, that would mean the two guys who are OFF STAGE would be going through. So, yeah, that, plus the whole set up of this sudden death round, well, I am just not digging it. Other things that annoy me are Nicki’s nasally voice and the copious shots of Mariah singing along to every song. Plus don’t they realize that when they start off their critique by saying the contestant looks good (and they usually only do that to the girls), we know that means they sang like crap.

They could live to regret putting the potential high school shooter through (sorry, but I do not bother to learn/look up names until the top 8 or so and that kid just strikes me as being in the Eric Harris/Dylan Klebold mold). Because if the “vote for the worse” crowd jumps on that bandwagon it could come back to bite them in the ass - did they learn nothing from the Sanjaya debacle?
Not ready to call my most disliked contestant yet, way too early, but the Chinese/Mexican kid (I’ll call him Kung Pao Taco for now) has the potential to take on that role, especially because he’ll probably go quite far because he’ll get both the grandma and the ethnic vote.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

How My Evil Twin Spent Valentine’s Day

I thought long and hard about whether I should publish this posting, for I do not come out of it looking very good at all. But then I realized you all know what a sad, bitter person I am anyway, so one more example isn’t going to make much difference.

So on V-Day, one of my co-workers (in the sense that we sit in close proximity to each other but we do not work in the same department), gave out some little trinket (I think it was a heart-shaped cookie) to those co-workers in her  department. No biggie, so far. But then she places one on my boss’ desk (my boss is definitely not in her department). So, at this point, my evil twin takes over and I take out one of the spare packets of sweet-tarts I’d bought for my department (four for a dollar from the dollar store – score) and I gave one to her. Why? Why did I do that? The only result that came from that was that she probably felt guilty for not giving me anything. And what is even more petty about this is that had she not given my boss something, had she kept it within her department, I wouldn’t have had a second thought about it. I am so messed up.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Idol Thoughts, 12-3

OK, well, the girls are done. Can’t say anyone stood out for particularly bad or good reasons. There is one chick whose name I cannot remember who I can see taking on the role of Diva of Color in the mold of Tamyra Gray.  And I realized last night I missed the bit where they are separated into groups and put in a chair-less, window-less room to wait out the results. That was cruel but I think the sing-offs they put them through last night were even more cruel and overly dramatic. And WTF is the deal with the top 40 singing in front of a live audience when they get to Vegas? Isn’t that a complete rip-off of how The X Factor handles their first-round auditions? I’ll hold judgment on that but I have a bad feeling about it.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

As you celebrate this most fake of all Hallmark holidays please remember the following:

  • 41% of marriages end in divorce
  • Over 65 million Americans have an STD
  • The chemicals used to keep cut flowers fresh have caused everything from respiratory distress to higher rates of miscarriage in the (non-unionized) underpaid workers employed in greenhouse environments in the many third-world countries that export flowers to the U.S.
  • The Ivory Coast produces the most cocoa, the main ingredient in chocolate. Child slavery has been reported on many cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast, with one study putting the number of children working in hazardous conditions at 284,000
  • 57% of men commit infidelity (and that’s just the ones who admit it!)