Monday, February 4, 2013

I Saw A Movie! In The Theatre!

Oh yes, another posting about a banal matter – but, really, stick with me and you’ll understand why it is very important for me to write about my recent movie-going experience.

Easily the biggest difference in my Colorado life verses my Vegas life (apart from Sammy) is my movie-going. I’ll dig out the spreadsheets one day to confirm this number (yeah, you knew there’d be spreadsheets, right?!) but back in the day in Boulder and Denver I averaged about 40 movies a year (and that was just ones in the cinema). (I peaked in 2001 with 62!)

Since I moved to Vegas, my average has plummeted to about two a year. (I’ve joined Netflix to make up for it.) And there is just one reason and one reason only why I no longer go to the movies – my illogical, un-American fear/hatred of driving. In Boulder and Denver I lived within walking distance of several movie theatres. Irony alert: The second place I lived in in Vegas was within walking distance of a mall – one of the few malls in America without a movie theatre inside it. Double irony alert: I now live within walking distance of a casino – one of the few casinos in Las Vegas without a movie theatre in it. So effing typical.

Anyway, there was nothing particularly remarkable about this recent movie visit except that I saw Skyfall, a movie starring not one, not two, but THREE of my future ex-husbands: Mr. Daniel Craig, Mr. Ralph Fiennes and SeƱor Javier Bardem.

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