Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Blogger's Dilemma

OK, so, I want to post a little diatribe on something that I hate but I am almost certain it will offend someone who reads this blog. So, a question for my fellow bloggers: Has that ever been an issue for you? How have you handled it? I am torn. Just because I hate this particular thing does not mean I hate that particular person; far from it. It’s just a little thing that I think is stupid and pretentious, but someone I know does not think it is, in fact this person revels in this particular thing (I’m trying to be as vague as possible so as to not pre-offend anyone).

But I guess the fact that I am even debating this must mean I am not a good friend to this person because, if I were, it would not even be an issue, I’d simply not even consider discussing this issue.

Monday, June 25, 2012

What Is It About Mondays?

They seriously suck, don’t they? Or it is just me? Probably just me. It’s that sad realization that yet another weekend has passed in which I did not win enough money at a casino to be able to afford to retire. (I guess it would help if I actually went to a casino, but still.)

I really should be positive about the start of a brand new week, because last week was not especially jolly: my supervisor was in a particularly bitchy mood and my rear license plate was stolen from my car. This week shall be better, yes? Well, I cannot control if the criminals of Las Vegas chose to target me, but the supe is going on holiday this week so yay! to that.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Apparently, I Am Big In Russia Too

So remember when I said I was doing some back-office looking around and found out that my blog had been read by someone in Germany? Well, I did some more research and found out that I have Russian readers too! Twenty-four of them to be precise! How cool is that???

But before I could bask too long in the glories of international renown, my lone Kiwi, E, in our Skype convo on Saturday, mentioned the “Next Blog” link that appears on the top of the webpage that, if clicked, takes you to a random blog. Oh well. It was nice while it lasted.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Random Ramblings, #3

Why isn’t The Discovery Channel the most watched channel in the world? Seriously, ask anyone who is either slightly pretentious and/or is embarrassed by how much television he or she watches, and you will get the same answer: “Oh, I don’t watch much TV. Usually just The Discovery Channel.” If everyone who says they watch The Discovery Channel actually did, its ratings would be sky-high, it could command Superbowl-level ad rates. And why isn’t The Simpsons the most watched TV program? Because these same Discovery Channel-watching people, if they mention a specific TV show, nine times out of ten it is The Simpsons. It’s like The Discovery Channel and The Simpsons are the only cool things on. (Just imagine how high The Discovery Channel’s ratings would be if they ran episodes of The Simpsons.)

I just don’t get why anyone would be embarrassed by how much television they watch. I mean, I am not. It is a very noble hobby. Whenever I move, making sure my cable is hooked up is always my top priority. I easily get through 20 hours or so a week in the summer, more so in the winter. In the six weeks or so leading up to Lost’s last episode, I was praying to a god I do not believe in to keep me alive long enough to see the last episode. I once cut a date short because he did not own a TV. I have never watched an episode of The Simpsons from start to finish and I don’t know if I even get The Discovery Channel.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My First Celebrity Encounter!

(Full disclosure: I already posted a much shorter version of the following on Facebook when it first happened but I wanted to make it available on this blog too. So, apologies to those of you having Facebook déjà vu.)

So, after more than five years in Las Vegas, I finally had my first celebrity encounter. Was it how I’d dreamed it would be - was it John Cusack in his fountains-view suite at the Bellagio at the exact nanosecond he realized he liked fat chicks? Nope. Was it bumping into Brad Pitt at the roulette table at the Wynn, just as he realized he liked fat chicks? Nope. Was it Anderson Cooper knocking on my door because he was having dinner at the P.F. Chang’s across the street where he’d gotten his shirt stained asking if he could borrow my key to the laundry room and whilst he was doing his laundry he, like John and Brad before him, realized he liked fat chicks too (or just chicks in general)? Nope. It was… Flavor Flav at his fried chicken shop in the ‘hood. Um, yeah, boy?

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Monday Blahs

Got a major case of the Monday Blahs today, despite (because of?) a stellar weekend (I scored!!!).  Plus I am trying to fill two days of vacation for Thursday and Friday and so far all I have planned is to get some doctor-ordered blood work done and have lunch at my favorite Indian buffet afterwards. Oy.

Friday, June 8, 2012

A Message To My German Fan(s)

So I was checking out some of the “back office” stuff for this blog and came across a statistics page that shows you all sorts of cool stuff, like page views by browser, traffic sources, audience locations, etc., etc. The US accounts for the huge majority of my page views, natch, and obviously the UK comes in second, followed by New Zealand and my lone Kiwi reader (hi, E!). But - get this - I had (have?) a reader in Germany! Germany! How did that happen? Who are you, Herr? Or Frau? Or Fraulein? Were you just doing an internet search on fat chicks in Las Vegas and came across my blog or do we know each other? As far as I can remember, since I have been in the States, I’ve met just one German who is now back there, Peter, a former paramour from my Boulder days. I really don’t think it can be him because he won’t even accept my friend request on Facebook (it did not end well). So who is it then? If you are still reading, please leave a comment, it would really help satisfy my intense curiosity.