Friday, June 8, 2012

A Message To My German Fan(s)

So I was checking out some of the “back office” stuff for this blog and came across a statistics page that shows you all sorts of cool stuff, like page views by browser, traffic sources, audience locations, etc., etc. The US accounts for the huge majority of my page views, natch, and obviously the UK comes in second, followed by New Zealand and my lone Kiwi reader (hi, E!). But - get this - I had (have?) a reader in Germany! Germany! How did that happen? Who are you, Herr? Or Frau? Or Fraulein? Were you just doing an internet search on fat chicks in Las Vegas and came across my blog or do we know each other? As far as I can remember, since I have been in the States, I’ve met just one German who is now back there, Peter, a former paramour from my Boulder days. I really don’t think it can be him because he won’t even accept my friend request on Facebook (it did not end well). So who is it then? If you are still reading, please leave a comment, it would really help satisfy my intense curiosity.