Friday, April 26, 2013

Idol Thoughts, XII, XXI

OK, so last night just proved that Amber is a big Diva Bitch. Because, did you notice during the bit where they had to list five unknown things about themselves, Candice and Kree and Uni-Bang struggled to come up with two or three in the time allotted but Diva Bitch rattled off SIX. Someone loves themselves a lot. And was it just me or was it flipping obvious that Drake was there? About three seconds into his “message,” which sounded way too smooth and clear to be prerecorded,  I knew they’d got him to show up (or, rather, Nicki had). And despite Ryan’s drama queen pronouncements, was anyone really surprised about the non-results? No. But I guess had it not gone that way, I would have been wrong again because Kree was not in the bottom two. Interesting.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Idol Thoughts, XII, XX

First off, the song choices for the one-hit wonders section: um, in what universe were any of those songs one-hit wonders? For every one except Cry Me A River I could name at least two artists who’d covered it (and a brief foray onto Wikipedia told me that at least 43 artists have covered Cry Me A River). That was some major reaching going on, Idol producers. And I think it is official that Amber is after the gay vote, with her choices of a Celine Dion song and MacAthur Park (love that song). So who’s going home? Or is anyone going home? Because they did not use the save there are now more weeks left until the finale than there are contestants. So is the surprise twist that Ryan spoke of at the end of the show last night something to do with no one going home tonight? Will they send no one home tonight and carry over this week’s votes to next week’s results? That is my prediction. But if they do decide to send someone home, I think it will be Kree. She is officially my favorite, but history, her performances last night and the judges’ critiques all point to her ouster.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Happy 449th Birthday, Billy-Shakes*!

For sooth! How doth thou intend to celebrate Master Shakespeare’s birthday on this glorious spring day in the year of our Lord 2013?

* That would be his rapper/porn star name/e-mail address/handle if he was around today

Monday, April 22, 2013

As I Was Just Saying

OK, that last post needs some explaining (and now I am caught up at work, I can do so!). I’d been meaning to do a posting on how I used to love Reese Witherspoon until I found out she is good friends with Chelsea Handler. And you all know how much I hate her. And then Reese goes and gets herself in trouble, before I could write her an open letter voicing my concerns. It’s such a shame too, because I truly loved her. And this will tell you just how much I loved her: she was on the extremely short list of Chicks Who Could Date John Cusack And I Wouldn’t Be Too Upset About it. Yep, that much.

I'm Just Saying...

... Reese Witherspoon was never in trouble before she became friends with Chelsea Handler... Jus' sayin'...

Friday, April 19, 2013

Idol Thoughts, XII, XX

Got the day off today, so am doing this post at home on my iPad, so if it looks different, that is why. Anyway... WTF was the deal with Fantasia's running commentary during her song. "This is my favorite verse" and "Let's take it to the bridge." Huh? And did you notice they did not interview her afterwards, they just went straight to a commercial. Loved the Paula Abdul bit, thought that was really cool of her to do that. And do you think Clay has had some work done? And it was kind of sad that he did not have a new single to promote. Although not as sad as that whole LaToya London bit, that was just beyond sad. Very surprised Kree was in the bottom two, and I suspect they would have used the save on her.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Idol Thoughts, XII, XIX

Had to DVR the first hour or so of the show last night so I fast-forwarded through most of the performances; therefore I cannot give a fair critique (but then again I never do!). Songs from when they were born is my least favorite theme night for one reason, and one reason only: it makes me feel way too damn old. I thought Amber’s choice of a Barbra Streisand song was brave, at first, but then I had to wonder whether it was calculated to pick up the gay votes that previously went to Stuttering Stanley. So, who’s going home? I cannot decide on performances this time, having not seen most of them, so I guess I will have to go with a gut feeling, and for me that means… Janelle.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Idol Thoughts, XII, XVIII

Yay, I got one right at last! No big surprise there. But WTF was the deal with the show staying live during a commercial break? What was the point in that? Unless you have one of those ginormous TV screens, I guess. And who dressed Candice in those pants? I am sorry, I know I should be the last person to criticize a fat girl’s clothing but those pants were not good for her at all. When Jimmy commented that he cannot understand why Amber is not connecting with the audience I yelled out, “Because everyone can tell what a Diva Bitch she is, Jimmy!” And finally, last night it happened: something I wait for all season, the lone glimpse and/or mention of the Dunk. I love Brian Dunkleman. I miss Brian Dunkleman. I hate Ryan Seacrest.