Tuesday, September 24, 2013

More Evidence About (If He Existed) God’s Feelings Towards Me

So, this weekend, felt a little blue because a potential visit from a former paramour did not pan out.   Decided to distract myself by watching some TV. As I was channel surfing, I came across a movie (not going to tell you what it is just in case the paramour-in-question reads this blog) that isn’t shown that often. It also just happens to be the ONLY movie me and the paramour-in-question went to see together. Every time I see it I think of him. But, seriously, god? There I am, feeling down anyway, and you go and schedule an airing of this movie at a time when I channel-surfing. Why? There are issues in Darfur and Detroit that need taking care of, wouldn’t your precious time be better spent looking into that rather than finding ways to torture me?

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure God was busy helping some basketball player make a free throw.
