Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Wednesday...

.. seriously has to be the WORST day for a day off. I mean, WTF are you supposed to do with one single day off in the middle of the week? I won’t be able to stay up late because I have to work the next day (not that I have anything to keep me up late anyway, but not the point); I can’t take one of my beloved afternoon naps because they interfere with my ability to get to sleep at night, which is an issue when I have to get up because I have to work the next day; and sleeping in is no longer an option because Sammy is turning into a rooster. Really. For the past month or so, he wanders into my bedroom around sunrise and starts meowing his little head off. And, yes, I have tried closing him out of the bedroom but he still meows and sometimes even leaves me a little fecal calling card.

But I suppose it all works out because I’m not even supposed to be celebrating this holiday anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I'll tell you what I did on my day off. I worked. Work work. All day long. so if you got to do anyting other than work, you're a day ahead!
