Monday, July 23, 2012

The Citizenship Chronicles, #7

News!!! I got a letter this weekend, with a date for the first of the three citizenship appointments. This one is getting my fingerprints taken (so the FBI can do their thing). It is THIS Wednesday! I wondered if that was exceptionally quick and so I asked a co-worker, who went through this process last year, and she agreed it does seem rather speedy. Then another co-worker opined that they want to get as many eligible voters as possible for the upcoming elections (and there I was thinking it was because I am special). And she bet that I would be a full-fledged citizen by Labor Day. Then someone else said no, it would be even sooner and so, long story short, we’re thinking of doing one of those betting pools, when you guess when the baby is going to be born, only this time, when I will be “born” as a citizen!


  1. Okay, I want 8/29/12. Nothing official ever gets done on a Monday or Friday so I'm picking a Wednesday. That's IF you pass the fingerprint test without them finding out about your past (rather sordid) indiscretions.

  2. Yes, my past is full of many sordid indiscretions but I don't think any of them were - technically - illegal, so I should be OK!

  3. Before I bet on a date, I'd like to know what the other two tests are. And also, what is the capital of North Dakota?

  4. Next is the interview during which I will be asked five questions (out of a possible 100); that is followed by the swearing-in ceremony. According to Wikipedia, the capitol of North Dakota is Bismarck. And, I could be wrong, but I think the NEVADA branch of the INS is interested only in my knowledge of NEVADA! (Carson City.)
