Monday, March 4, 2013

Beyond Lazy

So this weekend, I needed milk for a dinner dish I was preparing (yes, I made a rare foray into my kitchen for something other than alcohol!). Didn’t have any milk. Nor anything for lunch. Was feeling too lazy to go to the grocery store. So I did a McDonald’s drive-thru and got a happy meal (thereby solving the lunch problem) and, for my beverage, I chose milk (thereby solving the milk problem). Can you effing believe it? I mean, how lazy is that?


  1. Did you at least put pants on before leaving the house? If so you are not THAT lazy in my book. If on the other hand you went in a pajama top and slippers, well, you're much worse than I thought.

    1. I did dress, because I have to go outside to get to my car, but if I had a walk-in garage, yes, I might have skipped the pants.

  2. I don't think it's lazy at all--it's efficient.
