Monday, December 31, 2012

It’s The Most Miserable Night of the Year

I am sure it won’t come as much of a surprise to learn that I absolutely despite New Year’s Eve. It is every Saturday night rolled into one; it is Valentine’s Day times a million; it is every Bank Holiday Monday I’ve ever spent alone. Thank the Universe for alcohol, which makes the night almost tolerable. In fact, this is how much I hate NYE: I try not drink for at least three days beforehand in an attempt to recalibrate my tolerance level to pre functioning alcoholic measures. If it wasn’t for fireworks (I love fireworks) I would knock back a couple Temazepam and go to sleep at eight in the evening (as it is, I stay up ‘til past midnight and then take them).

1 comment:

  1. "Don't look so sad, it's not that bad you know. It's just another night. That's all it is." --Barry Manilow

    Enjoy the fireworks! <3
