Thursday, January 3, 2013

Year In Review

Random facts about my 2012:

  • Started this blog.
  • Had my personalized license plate stolen.
  • Became a citizen.
  • Spent $197.63 at the post office.
  • Went to the movies once.
  • Gave $36.67 to charity.
  • Did the dance with no pants three times.
  • Had my libido obliterated by a new medication prescribed by my doctor (this fact might have a lot to do with the fact that I am not really that concerned with the low number in the above fact). (And yes, I am aware of how many times I used the word fact in the previous sentence.)
  • Became a faux auntie again (welcome to the world, S!).
  • Lost 10 hours in vacation pay at work because one, I do not have a life and, two, I suck at math. (I had to scramble to use up my time and I thought I’d booked enough days to cover it, but nope, I didn’t carry the one or something, and ending up having to forfeit 10 hours.) I shall be bitter about those 10 hours for a very, very long time.
  • Got five pedicures.


  1. I can't believe YOU only went to the movies once. That's crazy!


  2. These are truly random. And *I'm* as pissed as you are that you lost those 10 hours. One thing I don't eff around with is vacation time.

  3. you know . . . if you would test the water just a little bit each day . . . venture out a few blocks from your comfort zone . . . maybe you'll find people or things not too horrible . . . maybe you'll realize being alone is a choice . . . maybe you'll dance without pants on a regular basis, hmmmm? life's too short chickie . . . start dancing!

    1. Easy for the skinny girl to say...

    2. I keep telling you - I'm very large on the INside, and you are too. Not as many people get hung up on the outside as you think. Really now, think of all the horrible, nasty stupid disgusting hideous ignorant and icky people you know who somehow hooked up and even bore children - makes one shudder. You my dear, are gorgeous in comparison so deal with it.

    3. Easy for the skinny girl to say...
