Thursday, January 17, 2013

Idol Thoughts, 12-1*

*It’s season 12 of Idol, and this is my 1st comment on it. And really, if you’re not watching the show, these postings may be of no interest to you. I won’t be offended if you skip them.

Whether or not it is staged, I like the cattiness between Mariah and Nicki (although I could do without their lame attempts at a British accent). I suspect Mariah is the new Paula, but a little more coherent, and Nicki the new Simon, in the sense that she is going to tell it like it is. Randy is… Randy and Keith should be married to me, but what-evs.

I thought they would put Hoppy through (the guy with one leg) because you know how much they love a good backstory. Really surprised there was no one with a Super Storm Sandy backstory, seeing as this was the New York auditions.  My spirit guide didn’t make any announcements last night, but it is still early days. I’m making two predictions of my own, however: the chick with the fostered/ adopted siblings is going to crash and burn and the chick who used to be fat is going very, very far in this competition.

1 comment:

  1. Even though I don't watch Idol, I will enjoy reading your posts on it!
