Thursday, December 27, 2012

Sincere Apologies to Mr. John Lennon

So after yesterday’s post, I decided to do a little online research on the famous lyrics I quoted. And guess what? I owe John Lennon an apology. Because he did not, in fact, write that particular lyric. It was Paul McCartney (this Wiki blub explains it). But that actually makes sense because, whilst I harbor no ill will towards John Lennon, I hate Paul McCartney. So much so, in fact, that he is on the very short list of People I Hate So Much I Wouldn’t Want To Meet Them (this is very different from the People I Hate But Would Still Like To Meet Them list).


  1. please post both of these lists asap xoxo

  2. a) What did Paul McCartney ever do to you?

    b) Ditto Erin: I want to see those lists!

  3. Interesting that you hate Paul McCartney. I am curious as to why. Does the dislike extend to his sour-looking fashion designer daughter?

    My wouldn't want to meet people include Victoria Beckham, Mel Gibson, and Madonna.

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