Thursday, May 31, 2012

Yet More Evidence That I Am Not A Nice Person

So one of the many little passive–aggressive tricks I have is quoting statistics from the OMA. The situation usually involves work that I do not want to do. So I will bring up an OMA statistic to try to lessen my workload or get out of the task altogether or just do something my own way.

For example, there is this chick here who is going on vacation and I will be covering some of her workload. She insists her work be proofed on screen. I hate doing this, would much rather proof from paper. So when she continues to insist it be done her way, I said, “You know, the OMA recently did a study that proved up to 38% more mistakes are missed when proofing from a screen than on paper.”

And once I did not want to do a mailing on a Friday morning, so I told my boss that the OMA had proved that mail sent out on a Friday was fives time more likely to be trashed than mail sent out on a Monday.

That’s not so bad, you might be thinking. Well, here is the reason it is bad: OMA? That stands for Out My Ass. I just make up those statistics; I pull them… out… my… ass!


  1. did you change your hairstyle? are you finding that you've become more attractive as a result of barfing out some of your frustrations on this site? plus maybe nicer? well that's my story and i'm stickin to it. you are nice - deal with it!

  2. Will you stop writing things about my being nice. I have a reputation to uphold.
