Wednesday, May 23, 2012

This Is Not An Idle Threat About Idol

If Jessica “Stepford Singer” Sanchez wins tonight – you read it here first – I will NEVER watch American Idol again.


  1. You watched way too much tv anyway.

  2. But if Phillip Phillips wins I will blow up my TV!! He's cute and decent singer but we don't need a generic white guitar-playing singer (the 5th in a row!!)after David Cook, Kris Allen, Lee Dewyze, and Scotty McCleerey!! Cook just lost his record contract and Dewyze lost his after his debut album bombed! But all the buzz and surveys on the internet have Jessica winning so hopefully I won't have to blow up my tv!!

  3. It looks like TVs will take a bashing tonight one way or the other - because mine will be yelled at if that little bland pop tartlet wins.

  4. Looks like you get to stay on the Idol bandwagon for another year, Michelle. Anonymous, sorry about your TV.
