Friday, May 18, 2012

Who Are You?

OK, so, I have solved the theme/tagline dilemma. Now I have to think about this blog’s audience.

Here’s the deal: I was born in England. Currently, I live in Las Vegas. Up until a few years ago, the only things my family knew about my life was what I told them. Then social networks came along. Which some family members joined. And I had to join because I wanted to find out what a former friend was up to and, darn those sites, you have to join to be able to do that. So I did. But once I posted something about something (I am sure it was slightly salacious. Or involved alcohol. Or both.) and of course it got back to my family and so I have curtailed my social networking. There is so much about My American Life that I cannot share with The English Contingent. It is imperative they not know anything other than what I tell them. Which isn’t much. Just enough for them not to worry about me. Which means I make stuff up. For example, I make up friends. My parents worry about my being lonely, which I am, terribly, but I do not want them to know that. So my best friends in Vegas are a couple called Nick and Sarah. Like the characters in CSI. Which is set in Vegas. Get it? Ha!

Anyway, so, for family reasons, I cannot mention this blog on my social networking pages.

But I want it to be read.

But I’d kind of like to stay anonymous too. Is that even possible in this day and age?

But I'd like my friends to read it, and some co-workers too. But I know I am going to say some things about my work situation that can never get back to the higher-ups. I’d also like to vent about some friends too, but how will that be possible if they read it?

It’s a lemon dilemma.

How about I just invite a few friends and co-workers to read it, tell them about not getting The English Contingent involved, and take it from there? Sound like a plan?

1 comment:

  1. try as you might to sound UHmerican you're so damn Bri-ish.
