Thursday, July 11, 2013

Happy Birthday, Sammy!

Sammy, my soul mate, can you believe it has been four years since the Universe brought us together? Four wonderful years of love bites and kneading (and needing) and belly rubs and bedtime laser tag and you taking on the role of my alarm clock (I just wish you had an off switch for Saturdays and Sundays). It is no exaggeration to say you changed my life. For one, I wouldn’t be living where I am if it wasn’t for you (our first place together had a “No Pets” policy that we violated for eight or so months, remember?). And yes I’ve missed out on meeting those babies born in Denver since you came into my life (my horror stories of your biting have made it impossible to find a sitter for you) but I wouldn’t change a second of it (well, maybe those weekend morning wake-up calls). I love you like I have never loved anybody or anything before, my darling boy.

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