Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Is There A Statute of Limitations On Bragging?

So I decided I should work on the little “About Me” blurb that appears on the left of this blog. But I am at a loss as to what to put there, because, as I have stated many times, I really do have quite a dull life. So then I was thinking I should list some of my past accomplishments (this was actually prompted by my noticing in that political commercial he’s doing right now, Bill Clinton is still referred to as president). I guess with a really important job like that you can keep the title, but what about the little stuff? How long can you brag about something you used to do/be before it is just sad? I mean, I would love for my blurb to read that I am a former size 2 because I was once – when I was two! And is it just me, or is it a little sad and pathetic when people clutch on to their past like that?
When I first moved to Vegas I was told that if I survived five summers here, I could consider myself “from” Las Vegas. And I once had a boss who would not provide references for anyone who’d last worked for him longer than five years ago because “people aren’t the same they were five years ago”. Five years seems like a good bragging guideline, don’t you think? Like, you shouldn’t list anything you were formerly (unless it was president) if you haven’t been it for more than five years. OK, in that case, I definitely need to rewrite my blurb!

1 comment:

  1. Alright chick, here's my two cents (worth less than half of their value five years ago): worry less about the label and more about the product. You are not defined by the titles or size you wear, but by the quality of the ingredients and the pride with which you wear them. Brag if it makes you happy, praise yourself whenever possible, continue to try the salad and f*&# anyone who doesn't see the real, sweet and delicious person you are on the inside. You're welcome.
