Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My New Job, Day 10

So in honor of my 10th day of this new job I had originally decided to do a list – “Top 10 Reasons I Hate My New Job” – but I found it difficult to narrow it down to just 10. Plus it was very depressing, and this blog hasn’t exactly been a barrel of laughs recently, has it?

So I won’t go into details, except to say my job sucks and I hate it. But like the good functioning alcoholic that I am, I am trying to accept the things I cannot change and change the things I can, or whatever that AA credo is (can’t be arsed to look it up). And the issues basically fall into three categories: stuff that will change - like the work itself because right now it is all so new and hard for me and the learning curve is very, very steep; stuff that will change if I were to get a different position within the company (and it really does seem like a good company to work for); and stuff that will change temporarily in the winter (there is nowhere to sit outside at lunch and until it cools down, sitting in my car is not feasible).

Plus I really need to stop being such a big whiny baby and remember that in three months of unemployment I had just three job interviews and these people were the only ones who wanted to hire me.


  1. You know what? You really can't leave things to comment on "when you have time." Because if you do, the posts you don't comment on may become moo. Like this one.

  2. BUT! I do wish the job had worked out. I know how difficult unemployment was. :-( <3
