Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Day After

Kind of in a funky mood, as you can imagine. Didn't even watch Idol last night, that is how discombobulated I am. Have decided I will not be writing about it, not while I am out of work anyway. Sorry if you were looking forward to those postings.

Had some people from work follow up with me, that was nice. Apparently, I was not the only victims, there were 39 other layoffs. Sad, yes, but all I care about is me. I bet all of those people have local family and friends and significant others to commiserate with, so fuck them. (My problems are bigger because they are mine, right?)

What is really frustrating about this is that I completely understand the decision. I was severely under-employed and really should have been let go a while ago. I got most of my work done by 10 most days and then spent the rest of the time trying to look busy. Mainly I surfed the Net (thank the Universe for Reddit), and typed up this blog's posts. Once I even took in some paperwork from home that needed sorting and did it at work!

There was some minor good news, though: I managed to get that upcoming $150 a month bill canceled. However, I now need to go out and get a new laptop for resume updating and job hunting, so that is a wash, I guess.

I also heard from the apartment people; my rent is going up, but "only" by $20 if I sign a lease ($140 if I go month-to-month). So I need to make a decision about that. I have no emotional ties to Las Vegas and would leave in a heartbeat if I had a job and/or a place to stay waiting for me elsewhere. Colorado is a possibility, of course, but the main reason I left - the weather -is still an issue. My dear friend L. is in CA now and staying with her is an option in the future. So signing a 12-month lease is a risk but if I sign a six-month one and then find a job quickly, I risk another rent hike then. I need to make a decision about that soon.

And another thing that pisses me off is that I was had finally decided to grow out my fake hair color to see what my natural color looked like now. So I have this nasty half mousy brown, half fake blonde look going on right now which was fine for work, but looks terrible for interviews.

So that is where I am, one day into unemployment. I don't know how much I will blog. For those of you who believe, please pray for me. For those of you who do not, please send me vibes.

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