I am working part-time,
but I still have full-time expenses. No other prospects in the wind. I interviewed
at a company that has just relocated to Vegas but they turned me down because
they thought I would not be happy in such an unstructured environment and “If
we were interviewing you in a year’s time when we were more settled, we’d hire
you on the spot.” WTF? That was supposed to make me feel better? I’d rather
they have told me that I was severely underqualified for the job or that they
did not want such an ugly fat lump working for them than that.
Then there is American
Idol, which used to be such a bright spot in my dull life. Last season, during
my first year of unemployment, it was hard to get excited about it, but this
year is even worse. The little twerp was voted out but none of the five
remaining contestants excite me enough to want to think about voting for him or
her (actually voting is another thing). But, conversely, none of the five (unlike
Angie Miller did in season 12 or Jessica Sanchez did in season 11 or James
Durbin did in season 10, etc., etc.) are pissing me off enough to vow to not
watch it again should he or she win. I hate not having anyone to hate.