This weekend, one of my neighbors asked for my
telephone number. Pop Quiz: from the following descriptions can you guess which
one it was?
Guy 1: Face like an angel, a cute Pomeranian named
Harrison, whom I always run into on my way to or from the laundry room in the
typical laundry-day uniform of sweats and a ratty t-shirt; or in the evenings
on a trash and/or mail room run, in my evening wear (which, actually, is just a
cleaner version of the laundry-day uniform, but with sometimes a
toothpaste-covered zit, my reading glasses and no bra just to finish it off).
Guy 2: Face like an olive, with breath to match, whom I
always run into on my way home from work when at least I am wearing a bra and
lip gloss, and also on the only two occasions I have had dates in the past
three years, when I was wearing heels and a skirt and a push-up bra and
Go on, guess…