Friday, March 29, 2013

Idol Thoughts, XII, XIV

Wow, I don’t think I have ever been zero for three. And of course Tintin goes on the week I don’t vote for him to go! Notice they did their first full-on group performance last night? And that the Ford video is (kind of) back? And that they kept all the results for one segment and did not spread them around the show? Not sure how I feel about that.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Idol Thoughts, XII, XIII

I’m thinking Candice might be trying to wrest the Diva of Color title from Amber, especially with that arrangement last night (she hasn’t won yet so she shouldn’t be messing with the classics like that). I didn’t like Janelle’s arrangement either, so I am putting her in the bottom three. Why do the judges love Burnell so much? I’m picking him to go, although history suggests it will be Tintin, but I thought last night was his best performance so far. But I also think Stuttering Stanley has used up his sympathy votes, especially after the group train wreck performance, so it could be him. (Still no full-on group performances or Ford videos yet. Interesting.)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Idol Thoughts, XII, XII

OK, well, I am zero for two then. Not surprised Paul left, just surprised he left this early. Very surprised Diva Bitch was in the bottom three (glad, but surprised). Had a feeling they would not do the results the same as they did last week, and think they might vary it during the run. Have you noticed they have not done any full-on group songs yet? Also, where are the Ford videos? When do they start?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Idol Thoughts, XII, XI*

* Changed, not for pretentious reasons, but because a new reader (you know who you are) was getting a little confused and thought this referred to dates!

So I kind of got a bit of a sinking feeling last night when Ryan started the show off with a comment that the finale was “just under two months” away. Two months! That is so fricking long. Am I really making such a long commitment to a TV show? Oy! Anyway, thought Charlie handled his second rejection quite well. Wondered why Amber’s dad seemed so out of it in his interview, but then they said something about his EIGHT kids, so that explains it! I will begrudgingly admit Uni-Bang’s hair looked much better last night (and did you notice both Keith and Ryan said something about her hair?) but she is still my not-watching-anymore pick if she wins. Burnell is still directing traffic and I wonder why the judges love him so much? He is my pick to go home, but if it were up to the judges, it would be Paul. I, however, think there might be some pre-teen girls out there who don’t realize he is a friend of Dorothy’s so will continue to vote for him.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Work Story

There is a retirement card going around the office for my boss. I signed it with the following:
“I am so jealous! I wish it was me. M.”

Could I BE any more passive-aggressive?!!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Evil Twin Needs Your Advice

My evil twin wants to do something that might get someone into trouble because this person said something nasty about me (my evil twin is so protective). Normally I would discourage Evil Twin but what Evil Twin wants to do has actually been done before to this person, so it’s not like it will come as any surprise; and even though the, um, example Evil Twin wants to use did not in fact happen to me, it did happen to someone else, so it’s kind of not like lying, is it? It’s more like exaggerating or borrowing. I am a firm believer in karma and that not only what goes around comes around, but it comes around twice as hard as it went around in the first place, but Evil Twin thinks karma is a bunch of BS. Plus this person did say something bad about me. So we need your advice. What do you think?