Thursday, January 30, 2025

Year in Review – 2024 Edition

It is almost February, so I guess I had better get this post done. But it will be different from previous YIR posts – and Sammy’s death is, of course, the cause of that. For whatever good or positive or fun things that happened in 2024, it will always be known as the year I lost my dear Sammy.

And I know I owe you an Idol post and my annual Feast of the Virgin check-in, but, yeah, I think we all know they are not happening.

Although I did come very close to not having to write that Virgin post: N. is a maintenance guy at the apartment complex I live in.  And he has a big crush on me. No, really. He sat in my apartment (I asked him to help me move something) and he straight out told me that he wants to date me. Now, on paper, he is my exact type – dark-haired and short (not Jewish or possessed of glasses, tho). And he is such a nice guy but, I don’t know, he just does nothing for me. Now I know some of you might be thinking that it is because he has a menial job. But nothing could be further from the truth (as long as he doesn’t work for the Convicted Felon that is our President, I really don’t care what he does for a living). So I let him down gently and told him I had a boyfriend named Jeremy. I don’t think I have told you about Jeremy: he is five years younger than me, lives with one roommate west of the Strip, works full-time and is going to school part-time. He job entails him to travel a lot which is why I sometimes looked after his cat (because Sammy was not on my lease). And because of his busy schedule we don’t get to see each other much but when we do, it is always at his place which is why none of the complex staff have seen him. What else? Oh, yeah – he is COMPLETELY FUCKING IMAGINARY.

Anyway, back to 2024: once again, I have to do a “I See Dead People” section but thankfully, it is a short list (just one): one of my cousins died (that is four of them now (out of 19)). Ironically enough, once again I found out about this death after the fact and from Facebook (her part of the family was estranged).

Speaking of Facebook, let me check it real quick to see if there were any positive highlights. Enjoy these stats while you wait:

In 2024, I got three pedicures, did not see any movies in a theater, and spent $194.30 at the Post Office.

Nope, if anything super positive happened in 2024, it did not make it to my Facebook page. But, on the other hand, apart from Sammy’s death, nothing too terrible happened. I wish I could say that about the start of 2025. You’ll have to wait for that YIR post, but boy, the start of the year has been a bit of a doozy for me. I will leave you with this photographic evidence:


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