Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Year in Review – 2020 Edition

Well, that was an interesting year, wasn’t it?!

Several co-workers caught the virus, as did a family member back in the UK (a child, interestingly enough, considering how few children get it) but so far, thank the Universe, I have not and neither have any close friends. It’s weird, considering how intense this whole thing was, the virus, the pandemic, the lockdowns, the quarantining, it all had very little effect on my life. In fact, the only major difference between my life now and this time last year is that I now own more rolls of toilet paper than I have ever done before!

So, below is the usual round-up of facts and stats of my year. I have including parenthetical details on what effect, if any, the virus, the pandemic, the lockdowns, the quarantining, had on them and because out of all those it was probably the quarantining that affected me this most, I have called it “The Q” for brevity.

Still a born-again virgin! (The Q: not even a pandemic is going to change that!) And now that Anderson Cooper (who I may or may not have met this year – see here) decided to have a kid, he is out of the running to help me break my streak. Single fathers are not for me; sorry, Coop.

Got two pedicures. (The Q: it’s usually around seven.)

Saw one movie in the theater. (The Q: that was the same number as last year, once again proving how unaffected my life was by this situation. And I saw that movie on March 5, just before everything closed.)

I lost 1.2 pounds. Not a lot, obvs, but considering that most people gained weight during the quarantine, I am happy with that.

Spent $129.64 at Target; $414.28 at the dollar store; and $219.83 at the Post Office. (The Q: that dollar store number is way up, mainly because that was where I bought all those rolls of toilet paper I now own.)

Voted in my second Presidential election and this time the right person won (thank the effing Universe – I was considering going back to England if the Cheeto-in-Chief got in again).

What else? Oh, yeah, so after my car crapped out on me in 2019, my digital mouse, wireless router, cell phone, and my landline phone decided to follow suit. (When I asked the kid in Best Buy where their landline phones were, he got a very confused look on his face -I don’t think he even knew what a landline phone looked like!)

But probably the biggest development in my life in 2020 was the introduction of Words With Friends into it. I am completely and utterly obsessed with that game. Prior to this year, my only experience with it was through the media; some celebrity was kicked off a plane for still having his cell phone on because he was playing it; and Sheldon was playing Stephen Hawking in an ep of The Big Bang Theory. But then my dear friend C. sent me a link inviting me to play. The rest, as they say, is history. I am obsessed! I ask everyone I meet if they play and in my holiday cards, I even included this:

(Yes, that is my actual screen name, so if any of you reading this play too, HMU).

Anyway, that was my boring year. I hope you and your loved ones and family members (they are not always one and the same) survived 2020. And remember - wash your hands, wear your mask, stay six feet apart!

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