So I replaced the first of the many items I sold during my unemployment: a dining table. Isn’t it sexy? A neighbor was selling it. He wanted $60, I got it for $55 and he delivered it too. So once I re-acquire two dressers, a big screen TV, a Crock Pot, a wok, an electric griddle, a blender, and a Magic Bullet (some of the tangible victims of my long term unemployment) I will be back to square one. Those items and $10,000, that is.
Yep, I finally did the math and I now have exactly ten grand less than I did this time two years ago (two years ago today, in fact), when I was laid off. I guess considering all I went through, ten grand really isn’t all that much. It could have been a lot worse, and I should be thankful that I had ten grand to lose. Except I didn’t, really. Because that was my retirement savings.
“Welcome to Walmart, how can I help you today?”
I *LOVE* that dining set! Good luck with the rest of it--I'm sorry you had to go through all that, and it is indeed fortunate that you had been saving for retirement. Even though you lost that money, you didn't lose your home. <3 (Which doesn't make the prospect of working at Walmart any more appealing.)