I’ve also seen the end of several friendships lately.
Those of you who are on Facebook with me will know that many of my former
co-workers proved that we were just that, co-workers and not friends, when they
failed to find out how I was doing when I was first laid off. It was so hurtful
I had to post something about it and then I unfriended those who had not
reached out. It might seem petty but I was really hurt by it. I know I take
some of the blame because obviously Evil Twin showed up to work more often than
I care to admit, but she can’t stand brown-nosers and boy were there ever a lot
of those.
There was also to be a first date this week (D. is pimping
me out to someone she grew up with in “Boston” who now lives in Vegas) but my
lethargy means that the date will now be sometime in March (watch this space
for deets!).
February is also the first month since I started this
blog that I have posted less than four times (September and October 2013 had
just four entries each). I’ve mentioned before how my goal was at least four posts
a month because then it would be like having a real weekly newspaper column
(one of my ideal jobs). I’m not beating myself up about it though because I
think being laid off is a great excuse.
And in another first, despite the aforementioned
lethargy, Good Triplet has been amazing and started volunteering! But in a
twist that is classic Evil Twin, guess where that is? At a hospice. I know,
right? Of all the places to volunteer, how perfect for me, what with my
fascination with death? Deets on that to follow soon too (after I have
encountered my first almost-dead person, right now I am still in training).