Wednesday, July 24, 2013

What Great British News!

Oh, what a glorious time to be British!* I present photographic, real-life (i.e., not from the web) evidence that the Chip Butty exists:


(Menu is from The Crown & Anchor, a British pub in Las Vegas.) I know most of you with whom I have had the Chip Butty conversation were a little skeptical that such a culinary concoction existed. Perhaps you thought the assemblage of white bread, butter and French fries sounded too good to be true. But no, it exists and it is delicious!

*Ha! I bet some of you were expecting comments upon the newest member of the Royal family, weren’t you? Oh no, not from me, bad non-tea drinking, Beatles-hating Brit that I am (but lime is my favorite color).

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Another One Bites The Dust

A Colorado friend recently texted news of his engagement. I am thoroughly happy for him but I am going to miss him. Oh, we haven’t spoken yet, and I know he is going to assure me that nothing will change in our friendship (because you always say that) but it will. It always does. Why is that I wonder? Maybe once you become un-single you’re scared of getting single-people cooties, perhaps? I am sure you all mean to keep up with your single friends, but then (married) life gets in the way and your good intentions fly out the window. You all think there cannot be much difference between being single and being married, but there is. For example, how will my friend’s new wife feel about the three-hour phone conversations we have every now and again? I think she might frown upon them. Then kids come along and that makes things even worse. And even when you get divorced, it is never the same as it was. Sigh…

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Happy Birthday, Sammy!

Sammy, my soul mate, can you believe it has been four years since the Universe brought us together? Four wonderful years of love bites and kneading (and needing) and belly rubs and bedtime laser tag and you taking on the role of my alarm clock (I just wish you had an off switch for Saturdays and Sundays). It is no exaggeration to say you changed my life. For one, I wouldn’t be living where I am if it wasn’t for you (our first place together had a “No Pets” policy that we violated for eight or so months, remember?). And yes I’ve missed out on meeting those babies born in Denver since you came into my life (my horror stories of your biting have made it impossible to find a sitter for you) but I wouldn’t change a second of it (well, maybe those weekend morning wake-up calls). I love you like I have never loved anybody or anything before, my darling boy.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fireworks Holidays Are The Worse…

As you know by now, I am not a fan of holidays in general, but ones that involve fireworks are particularly galling to me. I can just about handle the crushing loneliness and unrelenting misery on regular holidays, but add fireworks to the mix and I am a certifiable basket-case.

But… this is my first Fourth as an American (on paper) so maybe I should just suck it up and try to enjoy myself.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Because They’re Mine

June-Be-Gone! I am so glad that month is done, it was a humdinger (in a bad way). But not really. Wait, what? Well, I was going to write about how crappy my June was and how I could not wait for it to be over but then I realized that the myriad little things that went into making it sucky were just that – little. I mean, I made it to the end of the month alive (as did Sammy, which is way more important to me) and I still have a job and a car (albeit with another little dent in it – yep, one of the bad things was another car accident) and even though I spent more money than I brought in (by $60; well, technical, $53.22, but I wrote out a check to a charity (the local PBS station (I was considering the shelter where I got Sammy but he bit me last night)) for $6.78 so I would have an even balance at the end of the month (it’s an OCD thing)), I have savings so it was not the end of the world. There are some people out there who did not make it out of June alive and some people who lost their job and some people who had car accidents bigger than my little backing-into-shrubbery deal. But… the reason all the June issues were such a big deal to me, to perhaps paraphrase Ally McBeal (and I say “perhaps” because I have found three different versions of this quotation online), my problems are more important… “because they’re mine.”